This Privacy Policy and its Addendum(s) (“Privacy Policy”) describe how affiliates, associated entities and jointly controlled entities (collectively referred to as “MAQAN”, “We”, “Us” or “Our”) collect, use, process disclose and store your Personal Data through the use of Website operated by MAQAN for the Service rendered to you in connection of the Terms and Conditions.

This Privacy Policy applies to the Terms and Conditions for Vendor (collectively referred as “Vendor”, “business“, “you”, “your” or “yours”).


Personal Data” is any information which can be used to identify you or from which you can be identified as a business with MAQAN. This Personal Data here also includes your sensitive personal information but is not limited to your name, race, date of birth, religion, national identity card number, nationality, telephone number, bank and/or credit card details, email address and financial information related to your vendor.

In this respect, you shall be responsible for providing accurate, not misleading, complete and up-to-date information and further you consent for processing and storing as what described as your personal information by MAQAN or its third party contractor. By continuing to register following any available modifications, updates or amendments to this Privacy Policy shall signifies your acceptance of such modifications, updates or amendments (if any).


You hereby agree and voluntarily permit MAQAN to collect your Personal Data upon registration, placing Order, surveys, submitting complaints or when updates are required from you for the use of the Application or Websites for its Services. Personal Data collected maybe or maybe not linked together for the purpose of better profiling about you and/or your business to render and provide better and smooth service for you.

Your Personal Data is collected (as describe in any part of this Privacy Policy) only with your consent and/or your continue use of the Services describe in the Terms and Condition (whichever applied) in strict compliance with current applicable laws in Malaysia. In the event where you do not agree for any collection of your Personal Data to be collected by us, our Service may not be available for you as any communication from you or to you could not be communicated.

In certain instances, you may provide Personal Data of any other individual including your parents, guardian, friends or authorised person (whenever mentioned shall also refer as you) to us. The purpose of providing their Personal Data is among others to contact them directly whenever any issue arises or when needed. By providing us with their Personal Data, you represent and warrant that you have obtained their consent for their Personal Data to be collected, used and disclosed as set out in this Privacy Policy.


The purpose of MAQAN collecting your Personal Data is as listed below (provided this is not an exhaustive list):-

  •   To collect, record and store your Personal Data for the use under “Use of Personal Data” as set below;
  •   To authorize payments and/or refund processing;
  •   To receive and/or provide feedback, ratings and compliments;
  •   To store any information when you interact with MAQAN and/or MAQAN’s employee or agent through the use of our Website when rendering Services for the purpose of upgrading the quality of our customer service;
  •   To access, process and store any device related information (such as hardware model and serial number, IP address, file names and versions, and advertising identifiers or any information that may provide indication of device or app modification);
  •   To access, process and store Personal Data entered and/or communicated in messages when you use our in-app communication features through the Application or Website or Customer Service when making inquiries or complaints;
  •   To collect, record, process and store financial information including invoices in relation to the Order placed and delivery delivered to you; and
  •   Personal data that may be captured or communicated through your interaction with us or our rider for the purpose of delivery process.


You hereby permit and consent for your Personal Data to be used by MAQAN (below are non-exhaustive list of Service by MAQAN) for the following usage:-

A.   Service

  •   To verify your identity, age, gender & etc. (where necessary);
  •   To render Service to you according to the Terms and Conditions;
  •   To receive, process and authorize payments to you or on your behalf;
  •   To know the precise location for the purpose of performing delivery to the you or for you;
  •   To create, administer and update in order to personalize your account with MAQAN;
  •   To collect, process and store sensitive Personal Data to determine your persona;
  •   To provide feedback, ratings and compliments;
  •   To enhance the security or integrity of the Service;and
  •   To enable ease of communication when communicating with you.

B.   Marketing & Promotions

You hereby permit and consent for your Personal Data to be used by MAQAN (below are non-exhaustive list of Service by MAQAN) for the following usage:-

  •   sending alerts, newsletters, updates, mailers, promotional materials, special privileges, festive greetings; and
  •   notify, invite and/or manage your participation in our events or promotions.

These Marketing Materials will be advertised through our social media account or directly sent to your registered email or other individual’s email as provided by you via our official email.


You hereby warrant and consent that your Personal Data is accessible, transferrable and capable of being stored so as use repeatedly by MAQAN and/or to be disclosed to its third Party contractor for the aforesaid purposes in this Privacy Policy and further in the Terms and Conditions.

As part of our performance, any form of disclosure of your Personal Data or any other individual’s Personal Data provided by you shall be disclosed to our agents and/or our employees to achieve our purposes to render our Service to you and/or for you.

MAQAN reserves all the rights to contract with third party contractor for the purpose of storing, process and/or combine and/or use of your Personal Data for profiling to enable us to provide a better and more efficient service in continuity of you using our service. Such disclosure shall only be authorized by MAQAN for fulfillment of its Service.

Any disclosure other than by MAQAN for the purpose of but not limited to fraudulent, alteration, modification shall not be associated its involvement with MAQAN.


Retention of your Personal Data or other individual that you have provided shall be for a duration that MAQAN thinks it’s necessary to perform its Service and any of the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy or otherwise a longer retention period is required or allowed by law.

MAQAN shall take the necessary steps including erasing or having your Personal Data or other individual that you have provided permanently removed from our access, control or storage whenever you opted to terminate and/or discontinue which subsequently delete your account with MAQAN.